A Toddler is a small child or a person around 1 or 2 years old, with a high-pitched voice, who has only just learned to walk or who will still walk perfectly with small, quick steps. Toddlers are normally picky eaters, but attempts should be made to add to the following four basic food groups in their meal or diet: meat, fish, poultry, and egg.
The word toddler was first used in 1973 and developed from the Scottish word toddler. We all know that having a toddler is extra hard work.
They throw tantrums at the drop of a hat, and with all their newfound independence and self-awareness, they are extraordinarily stubborn. Sometimes, anything you feed them irritates them, and they don’t listen. They have an annoying manner.
Toddler personalities are divided into three broad categories: easygoing and happy. Thoughtful or shy, and lastly, wild or spirited. Signs that your Toddler loves are smiles at you, Stare at you, Eye contact, and always come back to you. What Toddler makes like you is if you treat them with kindness and respect.
Be reliable so they know they can trust you and be there for them when they need you. Try your best to be patient with them and talk to them about things they find interesting. There are some signs to tell if a toddler is happy. The signs are usually obvious: a happy toddler smiles, plays, shows interest in other children, and doesn’t need constant stimulation.
I love hearing toddlers develop their unique little language. Things that begin out as repetitive noises are soon known words within your family; nobody else will have a clue, but you immediately get that ”ow” means bowl. Not only is toddlers developing speech magnificent and often striking, but it also makes life a little bit easier instead of having to guess what they want.
Before you both give up on frustration, their newfound babble, and their over-enthusiastic pointing men, you can start communicating with each other, and that’s a pretty special thing.
There is nothing unique like having your Toddler run over to you and give you a wonderful cuddle for no reason other than they love you. Toddlers are bursting with extreme emotions, therefore all the tantrums, and when they feel something, they let it know to you. So you know all those crucial cuddles are 100% real because they have just thought ”I love him or her,” and want to know what could be better.
Only a few months ago, they were learning how to crawl; now, they are bringing you endless joy, and that’s amazing. I love watching my girls realize they can make up fun games and get their entertainment. I see the satisfaction on their faces when they bring me another imaginary piece of cake.
Children are accessible before they notice any embarrassment and understand the consequences. This is terrifying for us parents, but what a fantastic way to learn and express yourself without fear. Toddlers live on instinct and impulse, which makes trying to control them a handful, as we all know.
However, it means that every action identifies precisely how they feel. How amazing will it be to be a toddler for just a day?
After months of having a tiny baby who was content with a rattle and then a few more months of having a crawling baby who had to watch like a hawk, it’s adorable to finally start doing things with your newly independent child.
Whatever the movement, whether it’s watching them stroll all over the park and properly master the slide, seeing them shoot past you, finally being able to let them move around freely at soft play, or attempting to paint with them even if it does mainly go all over them and the floor, your baby has bloomed into a toddler and got authentic fun, and that’s interesting.
This is where it all starts. Please give it a couple of years; you are in the world of one million questions daily. But before that, you have to become goggles to enjoy watching your Toddler marvel over the sky and how birds fly, how bubbles disappear in their hands, how the paint feels on their toes, and how music makes them want to dance.
You get to see how they try again to do something they have yet to learn, how they have to look behind every door and cupboard, how they touch everything they can reach, and how they perceive and taste things to decide what they are.
It can be annoying when they root your pots and fry pans out of the cupboard so many times, but fortunately, everything they always do teaches them something new about their world and their place in it. This is genuinely nice for them and you as you see them grow as people and study through the experience you give them.
While they are busy discovering who they are, toddlers also learn a lot daily. One way they study is by mimicking the adults and young ones around them. My girls do everything their older sister does, and I mean everything. I noticed that if my eldest touches the hedge when we are talking, the twins have to; if she plays with a specific toy, the twins have to.